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© Copyright Kira Stephanie Loba


(Jina) Mahsa Amini died on 16th september 2022 3 days after arrest

Demo in Cassel, Germany 24th sept 2022 2pm

Jina Mahsa Amini is a woman who died in Tehran shortly after being arrested, for allegedly not wearing the hijab according to the given governmental standards under suspicious circumstances. Her intentions were to visit her brother in Tehran on the 13th of September 2022, where she got arrested by the Guidance Patrol and later on transferred to the Moral Security of Iran where she should take part in a “briefing class” on how to wear a hijab correctly. An hour later she got transferred to a hospital, because of a heart attack and a brain seizure. On the 16th of September she died, after being in coma since the transfer.

What happened:

On Saturday the 24th of September, 2:30pm people started demonstrating at the city hall of Cassel, Germany. They wanted to make everyone around them aware of the treatment and what was happening in Tehran and how women were treated to that date. Women as well as men started talking in favor of women’s rights, a life against a hijab or any other mandatory (religious) headwear for women. After a peaceful demonstration and many speeches of local citizen and local shop owners the women started throwing their scarfs in the air and danced afterwards to celebrate, but also to make a statement of their individual rights of choice.

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